Friends of the Cinémathèque suisse

Joining LACS

Becoming a Friend of the Cinémathèque suisse means showing concrete and useful support for the institution. It also means receiving invitations to screenings, exclusive previews, gala events and meetings with filmmakers. Each year, in the spring, the association holds its general assembly followed by a marathon screening of the films it has recently acquired.

Aperitif at the Capitol bar © Cinémathèque suisse / Carine Roth

The association

Les Amis de la Cinémathèque suisse (LACS) contributes to the preservation and enrichment of the institution's exceptional collection, which is recognised as one of the most important in the world. Founded in 1996 by Jacqueline Dumont, the association aims to support the institution in the urgent tasks of conservation, development and presentation of its cultural heritage. It also aims to make the Cinémathèque suisse and its collections better known on a national level.

For over 20 years, contributions and donations have made it possible to acquire or print more than 300 film copies, to subtitle films electronically and to buy digital copies.


​​Les Amis de la Cinémathèque suisse
Case postale 5556
CH - 1002 Lausanne

For any information, please contact the association by e-mail at or its president, Pierrette Rohrbach, by e-mail at or by phone at +41 26 660 12 39